Lifestyle Blog


Turning 47 is a monumental occasion for anyone. It’s a time when many people reflect on their lives, their accomplishments, and their aspirations for the future. However, for some, this milestone can be coupled with unexpected challenges and life-altering events. In my case, it was a devastating injury that forced me to completely rethink my career path.

I never imagined that at 47, I would be starting over in a new career due to a serious injury. I was knocked off a ladder by a forklift and suffered significant injuries, including shattered feet. The recovery process was long and arduous, and during that time, I had plenty of opportunity to reflect on what I wanted my future to look like.

As a 2x cancer survivor, I’ve always embraced the philosophy of living life to the fullest and not allowing setbacks to define me. Instead of giving in to despair, I decided to take control of my future and pursue a career as a digital creator. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, I was determined to forge a new path for myself, leveraging my creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and the power of the digital world.

One of the cornerstones of my new career path is the creation and release of original hip hop music. Music has always been a passion of mine, and I saw this as an opportunity to share my art with the world. Through platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube, I knew I could reach a global audience and connect with people who appreciate my creativity and storytelling through music.

In addition to my music endeavors, I also ventured into e-commerce, launching my own online store. This allowed me to showcase and sell various products that reflected my personal brand and artistic vision. From merchandise related to my music releases to curated collections that resonated with my audience, my e-commerce store became a hub for my creative expressions and a source of income that I could rely on.

Furthermore, I took the leap into the world of paid blogging, sharing my experiences, insights, and knowledge with a wider audience. Writing became an outlet for me to express my thoughts, connect with my community, and inspire others who might be facing similar challenges. I found that through my writing, I could not only amplify my voice but also monetize my content, paving the way for a sustainable career as a digital creator.

Aside from these ventures, I also decided to continue leveraging my skills in electrical work by taking on side jobs in that field. This allowed me to diversify my income streams and maintain a connection to a profession that I was passionate about. While my injury forced me to pivot away from a traditional career in electrical work, I refused to let go of the skills and expertise I had cultivated over the years.

Embracing the digital landscape, I recognized the potential to monetize my social media presence and engage with my audience in new and innovative ways. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook provided me with the opportunity to showcase my journey, share valuable content, and build a community around my passions and experiences. Through collaborations, sponsored content, and various monetization strategies, I discovered that I could turn my social media presence into a viable source of income.

I understand that the idea of starting over in a new career, especially at 47, might seem daunting. It’s natural to feel uncertain and apprehensive about taking such a significant leap. However, my experience has taught me that in this day and age, there are countless opportunities to carve out a unique career path for oneself, especially within the digital landscape.

Being a 2x cancer survivor has instilled in me a sense of resilience and an unyielding belief in the power of perseverance. I’ve learned that setbacks and challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and reinvention. While the path ahead might be daunting, it’s important not to let fear hold you back from pursuing your passions and dreams.

I want to encourage anyone who finds themselves at a crossroads, whether due to injury, unforeseen circumstances, or a simple desire for change, to embrace the possibilities that lie within the digital world. Whether it’s through music, e-commerce, blogging, or leveraging your skills in a new capacity, there are countless avenues to explore.

Monetizing your social media presence is no longer just a pipe dream; it has become a legitimate and viable path for many individuals. With dedication, creativity, and strategic planning, you can turn your passions and talents into a sustainable career that not only fulfills you but also provides the financial stability you need.

I’ve learned that taking a chance on yourself, despite the uncertainties, can lead to remarkable opportunities and personal growth. While the journey might not be easy, the rewards of pursuing a path that aligns with your passions and aspirations can be immeasurable.

As I turn 47 and embark on this new chapter in my life, I am embracing the unknown with a sense of optimism and determination. I am stepping into the realm of digital creation, armed with my music, my e-commerce store, my paid blog, and my side electrical jobs. I am harnessing the power of the digital world to shape a career that is uniquely my own.

I hope that my story serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to pivot, redefine, and pursue a path that speaks to your true passions and ambitions. Life is too short to let setbacks define our future. Instead, let us dare to dream, to create, and to live boldly, unapologetically embracing the opportunities that come our way.

So, to anyone out there who might be hesitating to take a chance on themselves, I urge you to step into the unknown with courage and conviction. Embrace the digital landscape, leverage your talents, and don’t be afraid to carve out a career that reflects your unique passions and aspirations. The possibilities are endless, and the digital world is waiting for you to make your mark.


Growing Up Without Growing Old: Embracing Each Moment

Growing up is a natural part of life, but often the process is accompanied by a societal expectation of growing old, both physically and mentally. However, what if we could break free from this notion and instead focus on embracing each moment with a youthful and vibrant mindset? In this blog, we will explore the idea of growing up without growing old, and how this perspective can enhance our lives and bring us lasting happiness.

  1. Embracing the Present:
    One of the keys to growing up without growing old is to fully immerse ourselves in the present moment. Often, as we age, our thoughts become preoccupied with regrets about the past or worries about the future. By shifting our focus to the here and now, we can experience a sense of liberation that enables us to let go of unnecessary burdens and fully engage with life.
  2. Cultivating a Sense of Wonder:
    Children have an innate ability to find wonder and joy in even the simplest things. As we grow older, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain that childlike curiosity and enthusiasm. However, by consciously nurturing our sense of wonder, we can keep our minds open to new possibilities and approach each day with a zest for life.
  3. Embracing Change:
    Growing up often means experiencing significant changes in our lives, whether it’s transitioning from school to work, starting a family, or exploring new career paths. Embracing change instead of fearing it allows us to continue evolving and learning. Instead of viewing change as a burden, view it as an opportunity for personal growth and development.
  4. Embracing Challenges:
    Challenges are a natural part of life and can often lead to personal growth and self-discovery. Rather than avoiding difficulties, embrace them as opportunities to learn and overcome obstacles. It’s through challenging ourselves that we can continue to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, no matter our age.
  5. Staying Curious and Continuing to Learn:
    Learning is a lifelong journey, and there is always something new to discover and explore. A curious mind keeps us engaged and inspired, preventing us from becoming stagnant or feeling old. Whether it’s pursuing a new hobby, reading books, attending workshops, or engaging in meaningful conversations, never stop seeking knowledge and expanding your horizons.
  6. Nurturing Relationships:
    The company we keep has a significant impact on our outlook on life. Surrounding ourselves with positive, like-minded individuals who encourage personal growth can help us stay young at heart. Nurturing relationships with family, friends, and even new acquaintances allows for shared experiences and emotional support, which can contribute to a vibrant and fulfilling life.
  7. Practicing Self-Care:
    Self-care is essential for both physical and mental well-being. Taking care of ourselves involves nourishing our bodies with healthy food, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and finding time for relaxation. Prioritizing self-care allows us to feel rejuvenated and energized, creating a foundation for a youthful mindset.
  8. Maintaining a Positive Perspective:
    Optimism and positivity can significantly influence our experiences and how we perceive the world. Focusing on the positives, practicing gratitude, and reframing negative situations can help maintain a youthful and vibrant outlook. By embracing a positive perspective, we can approach challenges with resilience and find joy in life’s everyday moments.

Growing up doesn’t have to mean growing old. By embracing each day with a youthful and vibrant mindset, we can live a life filled with wonder, curiosity, and joy. Let go of societal expectations and cultivate a mindset that cherishes each moment as if it were our last. By following these practices, we can continue to grow, learn, and find fulfillment in all stages of life.

Delta 8 THCA Cartridges: Legal, Affordable, and Potently Effective

In recent years, the cannabis market has evolved tremendously, offering users a wide range of options beyond the traditional marijuana flower. One of the latest innovations is the Delta 8 THCA cartridges. These cartridges have gained popularity not only for their potency but also for their affordability and accessibility. Contrary to what some might assume, Delta 8 THCA cartridges are federally legal thanks to the Farm Bill, making them an attractive alternative for those seeking a legal and enjoyable experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the legal aspects of Delta 8 THCA cartridges, explore their potency, and highlight their affordability.

Delta 8 THCA Cartridges and the Farm Bill:
In 2018, the United States government enacted the Farm Bill, a piece of legislation that included provisions to legalize the production and interstate distribution of hemp-derived products. According to this bill, any product that contains less than 0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is considered hemp-derived and, therefore, legal at the federal level. Delta 8 is one of the many naturally occurring cannabinoids found in hemp plants, and when derived from hemp, it falls within the legal parameters outlined by the Farm Bill. Consequently, Delta 8 THCA cartridges, which contain less than 0.3% THC, are federally legal.

Lab-Tested and Potently Effective:
To ensure consumer safety and transparency, Delta 8 THCA cartridges go through a rigorous testing process, and lab results are provided on all packaging. These lab tests are crucial as they verify the potency, purity, and safety of the products. By having access to these results, users can make informed decisions about the products they are purchasing and using. It is always recommended to prioritize brands that prioritize transparency by providing lab test results.

One of the enticing aspects of Delta 8 THCA cartridges is their potent effects. Although delta-8 is chemically similar to delta-9 THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, it has a milder impact on the user. Users often report experiencing a clear and focused high without the intense anxiety or paranoia that can sometimes accompany delta-9 THC. This makes Delta 8 THCA cartridges an appealing option for those who seek relaxation and mild euphoria without feeling overwhelmed.

Affordability and Accessibility:
Not only are Delta 8 THCA cartridges legal and potent, but they also tend to be more affordable than other cannabis products. The cartridges are filled with a concentrated form of delta 8 THC, making them highly cost-effective compared to purchasing the same amount of delta 8 THC in other forms, such as edibles or concentrates. Moreover, the cartridges are compatible with various vaping devices, offering users the flexibility to choose a device that fits their preferences and budget.

Personal Testimonial: Transitioning from a Marijuana Card to Delta 8 THCA Cartridges:
As you mentioned, you stopped using your marijuana card six months ago and turned to Delta 8 THCA cartridges. This transition is becoming increasingly common among individuals seeking a legal and less intense cannabis experience. While personal experiences may vary, Delta 8 THCA cartridges often provide users with a sense of relaxation and a mild high without the potentially unwanted side effects of delta-9 THC. Additionally, the accessibility of Delta 8 THCA cartridges means you can legally and conveniently purchase them without the need for a medical marijuana card.

Thanks to the passage of the Farm Bill, Delta 8 THCA cartridges have emerged as an exciting legal alternative for those seeking the benefits of cannabis. With their potent effects, comprehensive lab testing, affordability, and accessibility, Delta 8 THCA cartridges have gained popularity in the cannabis market. However, as with any cannabis product, it’s important to choose reputable brands that provide transparent lab results. As the market continues to evolve, Delta 8 THCA cartridges offer an enticing option for individuals looking for an enjoyable and legal cannabis experience.

11 Inspirational Breast Cancer Quotes

October 16, 2012 by Molly Mattison

One step at a Time

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve put together breast cancer quotes to inspire, give hope and push forward those battling the disease. Approximately 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime, according to The Chamberlain College of Nursing community proudly participates in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research.

Breast Cancer Quotes - “Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
breast cancer quotes “If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them.  When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope?  We have two options, medically and emotionally:  give up, or fight like hell.”  – Lance Armstrong
breast cancer quotes “The goal is to live a full, productive life even with all that ambiguity. No matter what happens, whether the cancer never flares up again or whether you die, the important thing is that the days that you have had you will have lived.” – Gilda Radner
breast cancer quotes “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller
breast cancer quotes “Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.” – Bernadette Devlin
breast cancer quotes “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” — Dr. Seuss
breast cancer quotes “Breast cancer changes you, and the change can be beautiful.” – Jane Cook, breast cancer survivor
breast cancer quotes “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
breast cancer quotes “When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.” – Kay Yow
breast cancer quotes “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”  – Winston Churchill
breast cancer quotes “Having had cancer, one important thing to know is you’re still the same person at the end. You’re stripped down to near zero. But most people come out the other end feeling more like themselves than ever before.” – Kylie Minogue

Color Coding Your Calendar: An Organizational Guide

A well-organized calendar plays a crucial role in managing our daily lives efficiently. Color coding your calendar is a simple yet effective way to visually categorize and prioritize your different commitments, events, and obligations. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of color coding and provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement this time-saving practice into your own life. With a specific focus on bills, work appointments, special occasions, and vacations, let’s dive in!

  1. The Power of Color Coding:
    Color coding your calendar can improve your productivity, reduce stress, and enhance your ability to manage your time effectively. By assigning specific colors to different categories, you can easily identify and track your commitments at a glance. The visual cues help to prioritize tasks and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.
  2. Setting Up a Color-Coded Calendar:
    Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to color code your calendar:

a) Choose a Color Palette:
Select a range of colors that resonate with you and align with the categories you want to represent. For example, assign orange for bills, blue for work appointments, red for special occasions, and green for vacations. Feel free to pick colors that suit your personal preferences.

b) Create Categories:
Within your digital calendar platform (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook, or any preferred app), set up specific categories for each aspect of your life. For instance, create categories like “Bills,” “Work,” “Special Occasions,” and “Vacations.”

c) Assign Colors:
Apply the chosen colors to each category in your calendar settings. Make sure the colors are vibrant enough to stand out and catch your attention easily.

  1. Managing Bills:
    Managing bills is an essential aspect of adult life. By color coding your bill payments, you can avoid missed due dates and late fees. Here’s how to integrate bills into your color-coded calendar system:

a) Schedule Bill Due Dates:
Create recurring events or reminders for each bill due date. Set them to repeat every month so that they automatically appear on your calendar.

b) Assign Color to Bills:
Assign a distinct color, such as orange, to your bill payment category. When you receive a bill, mark it as “unpaid” by coloring it orange.

c) Mark Bill as Paid:
Once you pay a bill, mark it as “paid” by changing its color to green. This simple action gives you a visual confirmation of your completed tasks and eliminates any confusion.

  1. Organizing Work Appointments:
    Efficiently managing work-related appointments and commitments can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here’s how to incorporate work appointments into your color-coded calendar:

a) Sync Work Calendar:
If your workplace uses a shared calendar system, sync it with your personal calendar. This step ensures that you have a full picture of your work commitments at all times.

b) Assign Color to Work Appointments:
Assign a specific color, such as blue, to your work-related appointments and tasks. This color will represent all things work-related in your calendar.

  1. Highlighting Special Occasions:
    Special occasions, such as birthdays and anniversaries, hold significant personal value. By color coding these events, you ensure that they receive the attention and planning they deserve. Here’s how to incorporate special occasions into your color-coded calendar:

a) Collect Special Occasion Dates:
Compile a list of birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events important to you.

b) Schedule Special Occasions:
Create one-time events on your calendar for each special occasion, using the color red (or any color of your choice) to represent them.

  1. Planning for Vacations:
    Vacation time is crucial for unwinding, exploring, and rejuvenating. By color coding your vacations, you streamline the planning process and ensure your well-deserved breaks are well organized:

a) Choose Vacation Colors:
Assign a color that represents relaxation and enjoyment, such as green, to your vacation category.

b) Schedule Vacation Days:
Mark the vacation days on your calendar, whether with a single event or multiple consecutive events. This gives you a clear visual representation of your time off.

Color coding your calendar is a practical and visually appealing method of organizing your life. By utilizing different colors for bills, work appointments, special occasions, and vacations, you gain clarity and efficiency in managing your commitments. Start implementing this time-saving practice today and experience the transformative power of an organized calendar. Happy color coding!

The Ultimate Guide to Using Shower Gloves for Exfoliation and Manscaping With Tattoos

Having body tattoos requires proper care and maintenance to keep them looking vibrant and fresh. This includes exfoliating the skin regularly to promote cell turnover and prevent dullness. Additionally, when it comes to manscaping or grooming body hair around tattoos, it’s essential to take extra precautions to avoid irritation and ingrown hairs. One useful tool for both exfoliation and manscaping is shower gloves. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and techniques of using shower gloves specifically for men with tattoos, to achieve smooth, healthy, and ingrown hair-free skin.

  1. Exfoliating for Tattooed Skin:
    Exfoliation is crucial for tattooed skin as it helps remove dead skin cells and enhances the clarity of the tattoo. Shower gloves, typically made with textured materials like loofah or exfoliating fibers, provide gentle yet effective exfoliation. By using shower gloves, you can improve blood circulation, unclog pores, and promote healthier skin around your tattoos. Regular exfoliation will also help prevent ingrown hairs, resulting in smooth and even-toned tattooed skin.
  2. Manscaping with Shower Gloves:
    Manscaping around tattoos requires extra care to avoid irritation and potential damage. Shower gloves are a fantastic tool to help you achieve a precise and safe grooming routine. The textured surface of the gloves assists in raising the hair, making it easier to trim or remove hair without scratching or harming the tattooed area. Shower gloves serve as a barrier between the sharp blades and the sensitive tattooed skin, reducing the risk of nicks, cuts, or ingrown hairs.
  3. Choosing the Right Shower Gloves:
    When selecting shower gloves for tattooed skin, consider the material and texture. Opt for gloves made of soft, gentle fibers or natural exfoliating materials like loofah. Avoid gloves with sharp or abrasive textures, as they can damage your tattoos or irritate the skin. It’s also crucial to regularly clean and replace your shower gloves to maintain cleanliness and prevent bacterial growth.
  4. Proper Technique for Exfoliation and Manscaping:
    To get the most out of your shower glove routine, follow these steps:
  • Before using the shower gloves, wet your skin and allow it to soften under warm water.
  • Apply a mild, pH-balanced exfoliating cleanser to your wet gloves, or use them without any cleanser if you prefer. Avoid harsh scrubs containing microbeads or a high concentration of acids, as they may fade your tattoos.
  • Gently massage the tattooed areas and the surrounding skin in circular motions, without applying excessive pressure. This will help slough off dead skin cells, smooth the surface, and enhance blood circulation.
  • When manscaping, trim or shave carefully using a razor or electric trimmer. Use the shower gloves to guide the blade safely and minimize the risk of irritation or ingrown hairs.
  • After exfoliating and manscaping, rinse off thoroughly, pat your skin dry, and apply a non-fragranced, gentle moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and nourished.

Maintaining healthy skin and vibrant tattoos while manscaping can be a complex task. However, by incorporating shower gloves into your grooming routine, you can achieve smoother, exfoliated skin while minimizing the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs. Remember to choose the right kind of shower gloves, practice proper exfoliation and manscaping techniques, and consult with a dermatologist or tattoo artist for personalized advice. With shower gloves, you can confidently care for your tattoos and keep your skin looking its best.


Trick Your Mind into Achieving More: The Power of Positive Thinking

In our journey to achieve our goals, often our biggest obstacle is our own mind. Doubts and limitations can hinder our progress and prevent us from reaching our full potential. But what if we could hack our own minds and trick them into thinking we are capable of more than we initially believe? This blog explores the concept of tricking the mind to achieve more and offers practical strategies to apply this mindset to any endeavor.

  1. Embrace the Power of Positive Thinking:
    Positive thinking can have a profound impact on our motivation and performance. Instead of viewing a task as challenging or overwhelming, approach it with a positive mindset. Believe that you are capable of achieving more than you initially thought possible.
  2. Set Stretch Goals:
    When setting goals, aim higher than what you initially think is attainable. Trick your mind into thinking that achieving double or more is within your reach. By setting stretch goals, you create a powerful motivation to push beyond your comfort zone and challenge yourself to go further.
  3. Visualization Techniques:
    Use visualization as a powerful tool to trick your mind into believing that you can accomplish more. Picture yourself effortlessly completing the task at hand. Vividly imagine the satisfaction and pride you will feel once you achieve your goal. This mental imagery will help create a positive mindset and reinforce your belief in your capabilities.
  4. Divide and Conquer:
    If a task seems daunting, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. Trick your mind by focusing only on the immediate step in front of you, rather than the entire goal. By tackling one step at a time, you will build momentum and prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving more than you initially believed.
  5. Positive Affirmations:
    Affirmations are a powerful way to trick your mind into thinking positively. Create a list of empowering statements related to your goal and repeat them daily. Some examples could include: “I am strong and capable of surpassing my limits,” “I welcome challenges as opportunities for growth,” or “I am determined and relentless in achieving my goals.” By internalizing these positive affirmations, you reinforce a mindset that believes in limitless possibilities.
  6. Practice Mindfulness:
    Mindfulness is the art of being fully present in the moment. When you find yourself doubting your abilities or feeling overwhelmed, pause and take a few deep breaths. Center your focus on the present moment, redirecting your mind away from negative thoughts. Trick your mind into acknowledging the progress you have already made and the potential for further growth.

By tricking your mind into believing you can achieve more, you unlock a powerful source of motivation and determination. Embrace the power of positive thinking, set stretch goals, use visualization techniques, break tasks down, practice positive affirmations, and cultivate mindfulness. By employing these strategies, you will tap into your hidden potential and unleash a mindset capable of achieving greatness. Remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and by tricking it into limitless possibilities, you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.


Old Bay Mac n Cheese

Old Bay Mac and Cheese

Learn how to elevate your regular mac and cheese game by adding a touch of Old Bay seasoning in this homemade Old Bay Mac and Cheese. Unleash the secret ingredient that will take this comfort food favorite to the next level.

Old Bay Mac and Cheese

I’m crazy about mac and cheese. I also love Old Bay, so I thought that I’d toss two of my favorite things together and create this fantastic Old Bay Mac and Cheese!

Ingredients For Old Bay Mac and Cheese:

  • elbow macaroni
  • butter
  • flour
  • milk
  • salt
  • pepper
  • Old Bay
  • paprika
  • shredded Colby Jack Cheese

Ingredient amounts and entire recipe directions in recipe card below with print option!

Old Bay seasoning is not just your average spice blend; it’s a flavor powerhouse that brings a whole new dimension to your mac and cheese. With its unique blend of spices, including celery salt, paprika, and mustard, Old Bay adds a distinct and irresistible savory kick that takes your dish from ordinary to extraordinary.

But what makes Old Bay seasoning perfect for mac and cheese? Its bold and complex flavor profile complements the rich and creamy nature of this classic comfort food. The combination of the creamy cheese sauce and the vibrant spices of Old Bay creates a harmonious balance that will tantalize your taste buds with every bite.

Old Bay Mac and Cheese

How To Make Old Bay Mac and Cheese:

  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  2. Add pasta and cook for 12-13 minutes. Drain Pasta.
  3. In a stock pot, melt butter and stir in flour.
  4. Whisk flour and butter, cooking for 4-5 minutes.
    Making a Rue
  5. Add in milk and whisk until smooth.
  6. Add in salt, pepper, Old Bay, and Paprika.
  7. Remove from heat and whisk in 2 cups shredded cheese.

    melting cheese sauce
  8. Once melted, stir in cooked pasta.

    pouring cheese sauce over pasta
  9. Preheat oven to 350F.
  10. Spoon half of the pasta mixture into a 9 inch pie dish.

    pasta and cheese in old bay mac and cheese
  11. Cover with 1/2 cup cheese.
    Colby Jack cheese on top of pasta
  12. Add remaining pasta mixture and cover with remaining cheese.
    Final layer of Colby Jack on mac and cheese
  13. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cheese is melted and toasty.

    baked Colby Jack cheese on top of pasta

*parsley used as garnish but not required

Old Bay Mac and Cheese